Pioupiou amis, teed, culottes apprentissage, propreté


Portrait of the founders.

It's time for the start of the school year, for good habits to resume and children who we see growing even more, more and more. In this article, we are delighted to introduce you to the mom entrepreneurs from a beautiful friendly brand, Teed . This brand that we particularly like embodies great values, strong commitments, and offers a very welcoming universe to guide little ones in their transition to potty training.

Who are you ladies?

[Julie] I am Julie Tobaruela, I am 39 years old and I live in Savoie.

[Gwendoline] And me, Gwendoline, 44 years old and I live in Yvelines.

Show us your family!

[Julie] I live with my partner and our 2 children: Elea, 7 years old, and Tom, almost 3 years old.

[Gwendoline] My partner is called Damien, he is a cheesemaker and we have 2 daughters: Eden, 15 years old and Dune, 3 years old. And Opale, our dog, a bit like our 3rd daughter!

Super Mamas, but not only that! Tell us about your activity and more details about Teed and its beautiful values.

[Julie & Gwendoline] We are co-managers of two companies: a web marketing agency, Cezame Conseil, for 10 years and Teed.

Teed are training pants for children in the potty training phase. These are absorbent pants that allow children between 2 and 5 years old to become continent more easily, avoiding pee accidents. Teed has the shape of classic panties, it is thin and unisex, it retains the first drops of pee while realizing that you are wet. This voluntarily sought-after sensation helps to support the child in acquiring cleanliness with complete confidence and serenity, for both children and parents.

How did you know Pioupiou?

[Julie] I met Pioupiou through Instagram. I immediately loved the brand's no-nonsense universe and the promise, simple and effective.

[Gwendoline] Instagram

Describe your daily routine/care with your little one.

[Julie] My kids' routine is pretty simple today, just facial cleansing with organic cleansing water and a kids' moisturizer. When they were younger, I used liniment for changing, water paste for diaper care and baby cold cream for the face, to protect them from the cold in winter. Obviously, total screen in summer.

[Gwendoline] We use daily cleansing water and moisturizing cream because Dune has very dry skin. I also use a facial cream because she often gets irritation from the pacifier.

How would you describe motherhood? How have you “changed”?

[Julie] Motherhood is the most precious thing that has happened to me, the most magical but also the most challenging. Becoming a mother allowed me to meet my true self, to question myself about education and the way I wanted to raise my children. It's sometimes very hard, difficult to always react as you would like, difficult not to forget yourself too, but the magic of it is that with a little kiss or hug, everything is forgotten.

[Gwendoline] I experienced motherhood in two stages because my children are 12 years apart. I would say that the first shook my carelessness quite a bit and the second my principles! But what is certain is that each time it has been confusing and magnificent at the same time!

What is your favorite moment in your daily life as a Mom?

[Julie] I have the right to say “when I put them to bed”?? ;-) All joking aside, the best time for me is at the end of the weekend when they come to join us in bed and we cuddle for a long time.

[Gwendoline] I love the moment of waking up: going to pick up my daughter in her bed, while she is all warm and still sleepy, it's the best moment, the sweetest moment of the day, before she turns into a tornado!

Your favorite Pioupiou product

[Julie] The nourishing face cream for babies and children. I particularly appreciate the 100% natural composition.

[Gwendoline] I love mommy baby oil , even if I mainly used it when Dune was a baby, I have moving memories of it, it's a bit like my Proust madeleine!

One last word ?

[Julie] What a pleasure to be able to exchange between young brands, this mutual help and sharing particularly touches me! Thank you Claire!

[Gwendoline] Thank you for giving us the floor on topics related to motherhood, it's always great to share your experiences!

🌢 🌢 🌢

Thank you very much Julie and Gwendoline. Come discover the brand here: teed-story.com

*photos are the property of TEED

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