Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy establishes the general conditions under which LABOGO GMBH, a company with a capital of 20,000CHF, whose registered office is located at Fadenstrasse 9, 6300 Zug in Switzerland, registered in the Swiss commercial register under number [CHE-277.264.960] , VAT No. [CHE-277.264.960], which currently carries out sales activities under the PIOUPIOU COSMETICS trademark, processes the personal data that you provide to it by using the website (hereinafter "the Site").

The Customer is informed of the regulations concerning marketing communication, the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD: n° 2016-679).

Persons responsible for collecting personal data
For the Personal Data collected as part of the creation of the User's personal account and its navigation on the Site, the person responsible for processing Personal Data is: Labogo GmbH, for the Pioupiou Cosmetics brand , represented by Claire Dhote, its legal representative.

As responsible for the processing of the data it collects, Labogo GmbH undertakes to respect the framework of the legal provisions in force. In particular, it is the Customer's responsibility to establish the purposes of its data processing, to provide its prospects and customers, from the collection of their consent, with complete information on the processing of their personal data and to maintain a register of processing. consistent with reality. Whenever Labogo GmbH processes Personal Data, Labogo GmbH takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data is accurate and relevant to the purposes for which Labogo GmbH processes it.

Data collected
Labogo GmbH may process all or part of the data:
• to allow navigation on the Site and the management and traceability of services ordered by the user: connection and use data for the Site, invoicing, order history, etc.;
• To prevent and fight against computer fraud (spamming, hacking, etc.): computer equipment used for browsing, IP address, password
• To improve navigation on the Site: connection and usage data
• To conduct optional satisfaction surveys: email address
• To carry out communication campaigns (sms, email): telephone number, email address

Labogo GmbH does not market your personal data which is therefore only used out of necessity or for statistical and analysis purposes.

By using this website, the Customer consents to third parties processing their IP address to determine their location for currency conversion purposes. He also accepts that this currency is stored in a session cookie of his browser (a temporary cookie which is automatically deleted when the browser is closed). This is done so that the currency offered remains consistent when browsing this website and so that prices can be converted into the Customer's local currency.

Right of access, rectification and opposition
In accordance with the European regulations in force, the Users of the Site have the following rights:
• Right of access (article 15 GDPR) and rectification (article 16 GDPR), updating, completeness of User data, right to block or delete personal User data (article 17 GDPR) , when they are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or whose collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited
• Right to withdraw consent at any time (article 13-2c GDPR)
• Right to limit the processing of User data (Article 18 GDPR)
• Right to oppose the processing of User data (article 21 GDPR)
• Right to the portability of data that Users have provided, when this data is subject to automated processing based on their consent or on a contract (article 20 GDPR)
• Right to define the fate of Users' data after their death and to choose to whom Labogo GmbH will have to communicate (or not) their data to a third party that they will have previously designated

As soon as Labogo GmbH becomes aware of the death of a User and in the absence of instructions from him, Labogo GmbH undertakes to destroy his data, unless their conservation proves necessary for probative purposes or to meet an obligation. legal.

If the User wishes to know how Labogo GmbH uses his Personal Data, ask to rectify them or object to their processing, the User can contact Labogo GmbH in writing at the following address: Fadenstrasse 9, 6300 Zug, Switzerland.

In this case, the User must indicate the Personal Data that he would like Labogo GmbH to correct, update or delete, by identifying himself precisely with a copy of an identity document (identity card or passport) .

Requests for the deletion of Personal Data will be subject to the obligations imposed on Labogo GmbH by law, in particular with regard to the conservation or archiving of documents. Finally, Users of the Site may file a complaint with the supervisory authorities.

Non-disclosure of personal data
Labogo GmbH is prohibited from processing, hosting or transferring the Information collected on its Customers to a country located outside the European Union or recognized as "unsuitable" by the European Commission without informing the customer in advance. However, Labogo GmbH remains free to choose its technical and commercial subcontractors on the condition that it presents sufficient guarantees with regard to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD: n° 2016-679).
Labogo GmbH undertakes to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of the Information and in particular that it is not communicated to unauthorized persons. However, if an incident affecting the integrity or confidentiality of the Client's Information is brought to the attention of Labogo GmbH, the latter must inform the Client as soon as possible and inform him of the corrective measures taken. Furthermore, Labogo GmbH does not collect any "sensitive data".
The User's Personal Data may be processed by subsidiaries of Labogo GmbH and subcontractors (service providers), exclusively in order to achieve the purposes of this policy.
Within the limits of their respective powers and for the purposes mentioned above, the main people likely to have access to the data of Users of Labogo GmbH are mainly our customer service agents.

Incident notification
No matter how hard you try, no method of transmission over the Internet, and no method of electronic storage, is completely secure. We cannot therefore guarantee absolute security. If we become aware of a security breach, we will notify affected users so that they can take appropriate action. Our incident notification procedures take into account our legal obligations, whether at national or European level. We are committed to fully informing our clients of all matters relating to their account security and providing them with all necessary information to help them meet their own regulatory reporting obligations.
No personal information of the user of the site www.pioupiou-cosmetics-ch is published without the knowledge of the user, exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any medium whatsoever to third parties. Only the assumption of redemption of Labogo GmbH and its rights would allow the transmission of such information to the prospective purchaser who would in turn be bound by the same obligation to store and modify data with respect to the user of the Site. .

To ensure the security and confidentiality of Personal Data and Personal Health Data, Labogo GmbH uses networks protected by standard devices such as firewalls, pseudonymization, encryption and passwords.
When processing Personal Data, Labogo GmbH takes all reasonable measures to protect it against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Hypertext links “cookies” and internet beacons (“tags”)
The Site contains a certain number of hypertext links to other sites, set up with the authorization of Labogo GmbH. However, Labogo GmbH does not have the possibility of verifying the content of the sites thus visited, and therefore assumes no liability for this fact. Unless you decide to disable cookies, you agree that the site can use them. You can deactivate these cookies at any time and free of charge from the deactivation options offered to you and recalled below, knowing that this may reduce or prevent accessibility to all or part of the Services offered by the site.

A "cookie" is a small information file sent to the User's browser and saved within the User's terminal (eg computer, smartphone), (hereinafter "Cookies"). This file includes information such as the User's domain name, the User's Internet access provider, the User's operating system, as well as the date and time of access. Cookies do not in any way risk damaging the User's terminal.

Labogo GmbH is likely to process the User's information concerning his visit to the Site, such as the pages consulted, the searches carried out. This information allows Labogo GmbH to improve the content of the Site, the navigation of the User.

Cookies facilitating navigation and/or the provision of the services offered by the Site, the User can configure his browser to allow him to decide whether or not he wishes to accept them so that Cookies are saved in the terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their sender. The User can also configure his browser software so that the acceptance or refusal of Cookies is offered to him from time to time, before a Cookie is likely to be saved in his terminal. Labogo GmbH informs the User that, in this case, the functions of its navigation software may not all be available.

If the User refuses the registration of Cookies in his terminal or his browser, or if the User deletes those which are registered there, the User is informed that his navigation and his experience on the Site may be limited. This could also be the case when Labogo GmbH or one of its service providers cannot recognise, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by the terminal, the language and display settings or the country from which the terminal seems to be connected to the Internet.

If necessary, Labogo GmbH declines all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of the Site and the services possibly offered by Labogo GmbH, resulting (i) from the refusal of Cookies by the User (ii) from the impossibility for Labogo GmbH to register or consult the Cookies necessary for their operation as a result of the User's choice. For the management of Cookies and User choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of the browser, which will allow you to know how the User can modify his wishes in terms of Cookies.

At any time, the User can choose to express and modify his wishes in terms of Cookies. Labogo GmbH may also use the services of external service providers to help it collect and process the information described in this section.

Finally, by clicking on the icons dedicated to the social networks Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google appearing on the Site or in its mobile application and if the User has accepted the deposit of cookies by continuing to browse the Website or the application mobile, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google can also place cookies on your devices (computer, tablet, mobile phone).

These types of cookies are only placed on your terminals if you consent to them, by continuing to browse the Website or the mobile application. At any time, the User may nevertheless revoke his consent to Labogo GmbH depositing this type of cookie.

Labogo GmbH may occasionally employ web beacons (also known as "tags", or action tags, one-pixel GIFs, clear GIFs, invisible GIFs and one-to-one GIFs) and deploy them through a specialist web beacon partner. web analytics that may be located (and therefore store the corresponding information, including the User's IP address) in a foreign country.

These tags are placed both in online advertisements allowing Internet users to access the Site, and on the various pages thereof.

This technology allows Labogo GmbH to evaluate visitors' responses to the Site and the effectiveness of its actions (for example, the number of times a page is opened and the information consulted), as well as the use of this Site. by the User.

The external service provider may possibly collect information on visitors to the Site and other Internet sites using these beacons, compile reports on the activity of the Site for the attention of Labogo GmbH, and provide other services relating to the use of it and the Internet.

By using this Site, the customer confirms his consent and agreement with this Privacy Policy.

Based on 375 reviews

Baume très facile à appliquer, qui sent bon et qui est très efficace. Je l’applique sur les petites rougeurs du visage de ma fille (elle fait ses dents) et c’est super !!!

A great oil for the growing belly

I've ordered the Mama Baby Oil as my belly started to grow as it became quite itchy. I find the oil very nourishing and calming - exactly what my stretching skin needs. It has a subtle, natural smell and absorbs very quickly which is a great plus. I highly recommend it.

Très bon produit!

J'ai adoré cette crème solaire pour la famille!

Très beau cadeau pour une naissance

Belle présentation et excellents produits

Intelligent sunscreen

Thank you for this extraordinary product with mineral filters healthy and safe to the skin.
Sun is healthy!

I found the right sunscreen

We love Pioupiou sunscreen. It has great ingredients, is safe and convenient. I really recommend it!


Elle nous accompagne partout cet été, et c'est déjà mon 2e tube. Elle est idéale, s'étale bien et protège parfaitement. Je l'utilise sur mon bébé de 1 an et mon fils de 5 ans.

Bonne crème

Une bonne crème protectrice, il faut faire pénétrer un peu plus qu'une crème non minérale, mais elle ne laisse pas la peau autant blanche comme certaines autres!
Par contre le tube est bien moins pratique et trop petit pour une famille, en spray, avec plus de contenu serait génial !

Une belle découverte

J'aime beaucoup la texture de cette crème et son rendu, elle pénètre facilement et laisse la peau douce, sans résidu blanc, ni sensation collante. Elle convient parfaitement à la peau sensible de mes enfants. Et, le format de 50 ml est pratique pour glisser dans son sac ou celui de ses enfants.

Just perfect

I found the perfect sunscreen for this summer, used by the whole family. My kids love it as well, easy to apply and smells lovely.

Sonnencreme für Babies

Die Sonnencreme eignet sich sehr gut für kleine Kinder / Babies. Vor allem weil sie sehr geruchsneutral ist. Das Einzige, was mich ein bisschen stört ist, dass man sie lange einreiben muss, bis man die Creme nicht mehr sieht.

Crème Solaire parfaite pour tous les membres de la famille

Cette crème est vraiment au Top!! Elle est conçue spécialement pour les peaux sensibles et délicates de mes enfants, surtout pour ma fille (23 mois ) on vit sous un soleil fort, alors il est primordial d'avoir une bonne crème solaire.
Elle a une texture soyeuse et pénètre facilement sur la peau et ne laisse aucune trace.
Vraiment, je recommande !!

Super crème solaire!

Cette crème solaire est au top. Sa texture est juste comme il faut, elle s'étale bien et ne laisse pas de trace blanche sur la peau et n'est pas collante non plus. Sa protection est optimale et pas besoin d'en remettre tout le temps même avec les baignades. Les enfants l'adorent surtout que la packaging est très joli. Et surtout sa composition est très saine et naturelle : avec des filtres 100% minéraux. On valide et on recommande!

S’il ne fallait en garder qu’une

Réussir à concilier une texture qui s’étale bien et des filtres minéraux n’était pas une mince affaire, pourtant celle de Pioupiou y arrive avec brio. Elle ne laisse pas de trace blanche et la texture fluide s’étale aisément même avec un petit garçon de 2 ans et demi qui court sans arrêt. Je valide +++

Parfait pour la peau sensible de mes enfants !

J’aime beaucoup cette Crème Solaire SPF50 ! Elle offre une protection optimale et parfaite pour la peau sensible de mes enfants. Sa formule légère et non collante est un vrai plaisir à utiliser. Fini les traces blanches désagréables et les textures lourdes difficiles à étaler ! Sa composition avec des filtres 100% minérale, végane et hypoallergénique est également un atout majeur qui me rassure quant à son utilisation sur la peau fragile de mes enfants. Cette crème solaire rend la peau douce, hydratée et bien protégée. Elle est devenue un incontournable dans notre sac de plage !

Sensitive skin baby and grown up friendly!

I have extremely sensitive skin and have always struggled to find a sunscreen that didn't bother the skin on my face. I've tried so many!
Then I tried PiouPiou's and i haven't had any irritation. My kids skin is also sensitive and he didn't complain about any residue, stickiness or stinging as he usually would.
Highly recommend!

Je valide ;)

Une petite merveille cette crème SPF 50. Elle est compatible avec ma peau noire (prototype V) car elle ne laisse aucune trace après application. Elle a un fini non gras sur la peau et une odeur agréable, discrète. Je recommande pour petit comme grand, et tout type de peau 🤗.

Crème très efficace et hydratante

Idéale pour la peau de mon bébé. Aucune autre crème ne lui procure un effet aussi apaisant et hydratant

Un must have !

Crème ultra efficace et qui a un fini parfait sur la peau, elle ne colle pas et j’adore son petit flacon à emporter partout !

Une crème toute douce

Je viens de finir ma crème visage Pioupiou après plusieurs mois d'utilisation, j'en suis ravie ! L'odeur est douce, la texture est agréable, pas trop riche, ce qui permet de l'appliquer matin et soir sans avoir le sentiment que c'est "trop". La composition est top, c'est parfait. Je recommande !

Conquise !

Super contente de cette crème solaire, elle s'étale facilement et ne laisse aucune trace. Elle n'a pas d'odeur et la compo est super clean! Je l'utilise pour toute la famille, j'en suis très satisfaite.

Génial !

Très contente de cette crème, sans odeur, qui ne colle pas et ne laisse pas de trace blanche ! Je l'utilise pour mes filles et moi-même.

100% satisfaite

Très satisfaite de mon achat. Livraison rapide, et belle texture de la crème. Confiante pour la peau de ma petite puce pour l’été !!

Excellente crème !

Je l'utilise pour mes enfants (3 ans et 9 mois) et pour moi-même et elle est géniale ! Elle n'est pas collante, ne laisse pas de traces blanches et pénètre facilement et rapidement, et elle sent super bon ! Je la recommande !

Huile Maman Bébé (OFFRE "seconde chance" -50%)
Peau douce

Merci cette huile nourrit bien ma peau et la laisse très douce.
C’est la première fois que j’utilise un produit Pioupiou et j’adore.
Je me réjouis de tester le reste 🥰